Sunday, 12 June 2011

What counts and what doesn't?.....

I headed out with Charlie early this morning and met up with a friend, and her 2 dogs, to walk Elk/Beaver Lake in Victoria. I needed 11 kms this week to get my 40 km's in and so I took along my nike plus counter to clock the miles.
We got there and since it is a Sunday, the lake trail is a very busy place anyways with hikers, walkers, dogs, horses, and runners.....but today was also 'walk for diabetes' it was packed. Now last week Charlie and I walked the 10 km in 1hr and 30 mins with a couple of stops for sniffs....but today everyone wanted to pet the puppy, the dogs wanted to swim, and my friend and I talked the whole it took us 2 hours to do the same loop (albeit, we had more stops). So does this slower walk count as a training walk? I don't know!
Some purest would say have to get in the desired speed and distance, work up a sweat, and keep it to plan, but I'm saying YES! Yes it counts! Sure it wasn't as fast and I don't really feel like I pushed myself...but we were out there, getting exercise and socializing. Besides, Sundays are for long, slow runs/ or walks anyways.
I think I burned out my desire to run with this last 1/2 marathon because I was thinking like a purest instead of relaxing and enjoying my runs. I pushed and pushed to get the speed work in, the distance, and the desired times! I stuck to the training schedule no matter what! And where did that get me? I was sick for 2 weeks before the race and during the race...where's the enjoyment in that?
So....again....the walk counts! Sure the training schedule is set up for a reason and I will endeavor to follow it until my marathon, but I'm going to try to relax and enjoy the walks and stop every once in a while and let the dog sniff around and I'm going to enjoy the scenery too! We need more doggy walks in our life!

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