Sunday, 23 October 2011

Fall Training

It's a few weeks after the 1/2 marathon and I'm still lingering with the post marathon cold symptoms....nothing great but sniffles and sore throat just lingering. It always happens, but this time the week after my marathon I took it easy with walking- nothing more than 1 hour a day and I slept for as long as possible on my days off. With these extra precautions my usual bad cold hasn't materialized but I'm still fighting the possibility of a bad cold.
The days are definately getting shorter and colder and wetter! I'm starting to break out my winter running gear and lining my runners up by the heater in the hall....a sure sign of wet weather!
Today was actually sunny and about 13 Charlie and I headed out for a great 10.5 km run...with some walk breaks. I'm finding that my running is getting better again, but sometimes I just don't want to run so we head out for a powerwalk....after all this blog is about the walking diva and her faithful companion.
In a couple weeks my husband and I are headed to Australia for 3 weeks....sunshine and heat! Beaches and swimming! And tons of I'm bringing my running gear...who wouldn't...and will get out for a run at least 3 times a week.
Keep walking and running folks....just getting out there in this season is 1/2 the battle!

October 9th- 1/2 Marathon's a little belated but the marathon is done. I did end up switching to the 1/2 and was happy about that in the end. I did a run/walk with of the original full marathon girls...and we came in less than 3 hours. I felt great...of course I did train for the full- but walking! We ran 5 minutes and power walked 10 minutes....great combo....and I was able to run in the last 3 kms, but Guylaine couldn' I did get a bit better time than her but not by much. We found our walking pace was 8:30min/km's and our running pace was 7:30min/km's. Not much difference!
The weather was great and there were loads of people out there running, walking and cheering everyone on! The best sign I saw on the sidelines was 'This is the worsed parade'....too funny!
One day I still would like to run a marathon....but I think I will stick to 1/2's for now...great distance, less time comittment for training and I feel great afterwards....and can still walk around!
The best Starbuck's afterwards! Now that is worth the run!

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


It's so beautiful today...definately fall weather. It's cool at night but once the sun comes up it definately warms up! Charlie and I went out and enjoyed a 8 km run along the back roads of Cobble Hill. I have to say, Charlie is starting to show a lot of promise in a running partner. He keeps pace with me while running and keeps me at a fast clip when lolly-gagging with him along!
It's taper week and I usually have such a hard time with decreasing the milage and intensity....but I've learned the hard way...tapering works!
I've decided that if I can change to the 1/2 marathon...I'll change...if I can't....well, I'll do the full by myself. I've trained for the full and can do's do I want to do it by myself...not really! So fate has a hand in my decision....I'll find out when I pick up my package next week. In the meantime, I'll continue with the full I said it's tapering week anyways!
The weather is getting to be more to my liking and will suit me if it stays this way for the next few weeks. I'm working nights tonight so I'll be doing my run tomorrow afternoon after please no rain and not too hot please!
Keep up the running and walking everyone!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Decisions, decisions

Well....I'm the last one standing in the group of crazy chicks that are going to do a marathon....I had a sneaking suspicion that this was going to happen. I mean, for the last few weeks I've heard the groans of various injuries and one person disappeared all together without even saying a word or a good bye! So here I am the last one standing and apparently the only one that has actually being doing the training for the last 3 weeks! Bummer!
My last long walk/run was 30 km and today (2 days later) is when my legs have started to stop I am starting the groaning.
I'm just in the midst of deciding if I will change to the 1/2 marathon or try to endure the whole marathon by myself. I'm leaning to the 1/ least I can do that distance and remain rather intact at the end and I can endure that distance by myself.
I started out this adventure with the idea that with some company and good vibes we'd do well on the marathon and have some laughs along the way. It's not my 1st marathon....I did a couple back in my 20's and thought before I hit 50 I would like another one. So it was my challenge to do this ....but I really do have a couple more years to do that in....
So, on the package pick up date I will decide what I want to do. In the meantime, I'm continuing with the training and having fun with Charlie (the dog) along the way....and isn't that what it is all about anyways?

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Crazy Legs

Yesterday I ran most of my 12 kms and then today I ran just under my 25 km long walk. I killed on my run yesterday....yeah, yeah...I know this is a walking race but I do love my runs. I run really slow so I'm not out there ripping up the streets or anything. I haven't run much lately and I've been missing the feeling. So...yesterday....ran probably 2/3 of the 12 km then today I ran almost 1/2 of my 25 km.
I was suppose to go 29 km but between the running yesterday and today and that I only had 4 hours to get my walk in....had family coming over and it wasn't light out until 6:15 am and I was out the door at 6:30. We had everyone arriving around 10:30. I think I did rather well....25 km in 4 hours and I wasn't pushing either the running or the walking all that much.
I have learned to take along water/gatorade and some little thing to was some gorp. I was training for my 1/2 marathons without any water or bars and it really showed in my times and how I felt. Now if I'm out for more than 1 1/2 hours I take some water and if I'm out for more than 2 1/2 hours the gatorade is added and some little protein/carb treat.
Now back to my legs....they really hurt today...but in an interestingly good way. I know I've gone a distance and got some running in, so I'm happy how things turned out. I'm now powering back the fluids to keep up with the sweating I did on the run.
Tomorrow is a rest day so my legs should get back to normal...and maybe a little assistance of some tylenol will be needed tonight.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Working and training don't mix

Where did this week go? It seems to have gone in a blur and I haven't got all my training in!
I work 12 hour shifts and usually this doesn't cause too many problems until I do 3 days in a row...and there fore less days to train. You say there are 4 other days in the week? You are right! But on sundays are my long training days and therefore mondays are rest days. So this week I did a 12 km run/walk on tuesday...worked wed/thrus/fri and just came back from another 12 km run/walk. Today I threw in a couple hills and some running to make it the interval/hill workout. Tomorrow is my long walk and I'll try to throw in some running in there too!
Now the weather hasn't been helping either! Don't get me's BEAUTIFUL out and sunny and hot!....but that means I have to get up early to get my workout in before the heat bogs me down. Plus, now that fall is approaching the days are definately getting shorter and I did get a 3 km walk in with the dog after work on wed but the lack of light only gave me a 40 min window to get out and walk and home again.
So this is the testing of my mettle....will I quit because it's hard to get the workout in? or that it's taking so much of my time? or I have to get up really early on my days off?....well.....I haven't quit yet and with only another month left to train....I think I'm up to it!
Walk on my friends....walk on!

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Where did the summer go?

Holy Guacamole! It's September already. We've had the long weekend...and I actually had it off this year, and it was nice and sunny too. I'm starting week 12 of my marathon's getting hard. No the actual training isn't as hard as I thought it might be.....but it's the amount of time I need to get it done.
With the 1/2 marathon training the longest run/walk was about 20 km....and I'm up to 29 km this week for the long walk. It's a huge amount of time committment....and I'm not sure if my husband actually truely understands that!
He is really supportive of my training but he does sound surprised when I tell him I'll be out for about 4 1/2 hours....'What?'..... no kidding!
I've been having second thoughts of doing this but then I tell myself that I only have 2 more weeks of intense training, then 2 weeks of tapering and then it's the marathon. I keep thinking about how good I'll feel when I'm done and how proud I'm going to be with myself for sticking to the training. I'm not sure if I'll have any buddies to do the marathon with by that time....I'm hearing rumblings of 'sore hips', 'sore knees', and least there will be a couple hundred of us starting out on the early bird marathon time of 0630!
The days are getting shorter now and I'm having to now think about my training after work...where will I go and how light will it be? I get off work at 1915 and it takes 30 mins to drive home...then I will get out and go for at least an hour....and those are my short runs for the week...I've just completed my medium walk with Charlie. He's sleeping on the couch beside me as I type....he has fun and we even stopped to at the river so he could swim!
So here goes another week of training and another week of talking myself into staying with the program...sigh!
Happy walking or running everyone!

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Are we ever really satisfied?

Well, we did complain for so long about how cold and rainy it was over the winter and spring and that it took summer sooooo long to get here....and here it is and now we are complaining about the heat! Are we never truely satisfied?
We can ask that of any runner or walker....are you truely satisfied with that last walk?, the pace? the route? or even the distance? It seems we are forever meeting or beating our goals and then instead of congratulating ourselves we immediately set a new and better goal.
Take this last run/walk I did...granted it was supper hot, I left home at 0800 but I should have started at 0600 (see? already complaining) and I brought water, gaterade and a granola bar....I set my pace and off I went. I went for 25 km but I felt unsatisfied because I was suppose to go for 25.5 is it that I couldn't be happy with one when it was only .5 of a km out from the other?
Ah...that is the life of a runner or walker....always striving for something better...better times, better distances, better feeling, better get the picture.
A little update on our marathon group. We are now down to only 3 people from 6. It turns out 2 people never even registered....chickens!....and one person dropped out. I have to confess that I have felt like dropping out myself at times. I for a marathon takes time and alot of it! It's hard and don't we all like easy if it is offered to us? But...and there is a but...I have set this goal for myself this year and darn it...I'm sticking to it....even if I have to do the thing on my own. (well, not truely on my own there will be thousands of people there, but you know what I mean!)
It's week 11 and our long walk is 27.5 kms...sigh....I'll endeavor to get up earlier this week to get out on the roads before the sun comes out.
Happy Sept long weekend to everyone......

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Training while out Sailing

Well, I'm back from a 10 sailing trip with my husband and dog...and yes, I did manage to get in all my training while away.
On a sad of the girls have already dropped out. That had made me think that I would rather do a 1/2 instead. Why? would be easier, I've done it many times before, I just ran/walked a 1/2 on my latest training run and isn't it human nature to go the easy route without having to push yourself? No...I'm sticking to the's my goal this year.
Charlie and I did 2 runs around Stanley Park in Vancouver...each being 10 km's. The while in Naniamo Harbour we did 14 km around NewCastle Island Park-trail runs and in various lengths....then Charlie went back to the boat and I finished with a 8 km walk. The while on Gabriola Island we went 8 km's....4 kms up hill ( 3 km of them a 12% grade) and 4 km downhill back to the beach.
So, yes, even though it was hard to organize and had to get out early, I was able to maintain my training while on holidays.
Now back to reality and to my usual road routes.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Calf cramps...the pains of walking much is walking different than walking? I tell you it's alot different...different muscles, gait and prolonged times out there with the training. My calfs have been hurting for a few weeks now but the last few days have been almost painful. It was painful the one night I woke with a charlie horse but I was able to relieve it fast with flexing my foot....thank goodness.
So I read a few articles about calf cramps and exercise. I basically knew most of what I read....drink lots of water, potassium, and stretching. I know I've been bad about the water and most likely that is my problem. Now you can't correct that all at once because that causes a whole different problem! Stretching is now reinstituted into my exercise regime and I pretty much eat a banana a day and lots of potassium is covered. My calfs are feeling better but on todays 19.5 km walk I could feel a few twinges. Nothing that stopping to stretch every 30 or 40 mins can't help.
Added to my calf problems, I have sore toes...and the middles ones are a little swollen. Now I tribute that to the trail running I've been doing and all the toe bashing that happens in the runners. No...I haven't got the dreaded and weirdly honoring runners black toenails...just the swelling and pain.
I never knew that walking could be so painful and soooo very different than running. I'm getting into the 3 plus hour long walks and have got my camelback hydration system out of the garage. Also, I think I'm going to have to start bringing some food along too!
So many things to learn....and I have to keep the dreaded feelings of 'taking on too much' away....I find myself thinking we should have just signed up for a 1/2 marathon but no....this is going to be fun!

Friday, 5 August 2011

Longest wooden trestle in Canada

Charlie and I went to go check out the newly opened Kinsol Trestle in the Cowichan Valley. It's renovation is just completed and the opening makes it the longest free standing wooden Trestle in Canada and probably in the North American area.
It now connects the Trans Canada Trail so one doesn't have to hike all the way down, cross a river, and hike back to the top again to continue with the journey....or go the 90 km out of the way detour set up on the local road connections.
It spans the river valley about 114 feet high above and for about 617 feet across. It's awe inspiring. We enjoyed the views from both sides and it looks like they are creating a network of trails down by the river too.
It's a great place to head off and go for a run or walk. The day I went it was early in the morning so parking was plenty and it was quiet on the trail. But 1 hour and 1/2 later...we got back to the car after passing family after family on bikes or foot, and there were more cars circling around the parking lot looking for spots to park. The moral of the story is get up before the general crowds even think of leaving the house!
Our training is going well. Charlie is on all my training walks except the long distance ones....he's still too young. This weekend is 19.5 km and I hope to meet up with some of the DOA's to walk 2 1/2 hours...either that I'll be listening to my usual podcasts and music on my own!
As you can see I haven't been able to get 4 days a week in but I'm pretty close to the total km's needed for the week. My calfs are complaining already but I will try extra stretching and see how that does. I should be getting everyone together soon because it's almost the '1/2 way' there mark....yahooooo!

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Hydration, hydration, hydration

For the first time this summer we've been having some warm weather and I'm starting to feel it on my walk/runs. For the short walks of less than 1 1/2 hours...sure....I don't have to carry water with me but need to keep well hydrated before then afterwards too. But for the now ever increasing longer walks....todays of 16.5 kms in 2 hrs and 15 mins....well, I carried my bottle of water.  Pretty soon I'll have to graduate up to a 'camel back' type of hydration system....that's when the walks will be over 2 1/2 hours and upwards.
I recently learned that 8 glasses a day are just the beginning of daily hyration. You should be drinking equal amounts of water to cups of coffee/tea/pop, and a glass for every 30 mins of exercise.  I tried that for a week and spent a week constantly going to the 'loo'! But there are other ways of getting your hydration....lots of foods have high water content. So I don't have a bottle of water constantly at my side but I'm alot more aware of my limits of hydration...over and under.
Everywhere you read, you read about one person or another keeling over from hyponatremia due to over hydration....I can't imagine having to drink so much water that you are sloshing when walking down the road. I also have noticed, in myself, that if I'm not adequately hydrated my energy level is in my! It's good for you!

Friday, 15 July 2011

How to exercise on a 40 foot boat

I just got back from 5 days of sailing. We own a 40 foot boat and are learning the ins and outs this year and fixing all the problems that keep cropping up...but that is a different blog! ( and look for Dakota)
Now....5 days on a boat you'd think you wouldn't get much exercise...but you'd be wrong my friends! I'm constantly going up and down the stairs (all 5 steep ones), running around deck trying to get  this rope or that rope, trying to manage the sails, moving things around in the cabin to just make a simple meal...the butcher block itself weighs about 10 pounds, and then there is getting in and out of the dingy and going to shore to walk the dog. By the end of the day my arms, legs, back and butt ache!
With all that moving about we are exhausted by 9 pm and are heading to bed...but then we are up the next morning at 5:30 and taking the dog to shore and starting all the exercise again. I've tried to do some yoga on the bow but with the rocking and rolling sometimes you can  get a good core workout but just trying to sit up straight and not fall over.
So, while I leave the nike plus system and my running shoes at no actual organized exercise....I guess I get plenty of different types of exercise while sailing. I try to plan my walks around the sailing but some of them just don't get recorded on my dailymile counter.
Keep the run/walk going and enjoy the summer!

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Dressing for Success

Why is it I always think it's colder than it really is...maybe because the house is so well insulated and shaded by the trees that it's fairly cool in the house. For example, this morning...being july 9th...we had to have the fireplace on for about 30 minutes just to give a bit of warmth to the livingroom...are you kidding? In mid July? Where is summer. So here's the where the problem started.... now I think it's cool outside too!
So here I am in capris running tights, short sleeve tee-shirt, and a light jacket....the wind is blowing lightly so I think..."I'll be slightly cool so I'll dress up"....well with in 10 minutes I was too hot and the jacket came off and tied around my waist.
I could have been very comfortable in shorts and just the tee-shirt....but at least I could remove layers. I saw a girl power walking and she had on a long sleeve shirt and long pants...she agreed it was alot warmer than we thought!
I'm forever over dressing...but on the flip side...I hate being cold. In fact, I detest being cold! My will to keep moving evaporates and I pretty much settle into a grumpy funk and hate my run/walk.
So...even though I had over dressed today, I was smart and dressed in layers that could come off or go back on, and I was happy and I made excellant time on my 11.5 km powerwalk.
As for my Iron date I've biked 75 kms, swam 2 km, and now have finished the 42.2 km marathon part....of course, I'm just starting my actual marathon training and look forward to many, many, many more km's to go!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Iron Turtle

Well...not that a full marathon training schedule was enough...I've joined a group who are doing an Iron Man. That's right a 3.8 km swim, a 42.2 km run/walk and a 180 km bike ride. Now if I did this all in one day....if I didn't collapse, it would take me 18 hours of gut wrenching endurance. Sooooo, hence the name, Iron Turtle. I will have the whole month of July to get this done...that's right...31 days. It's already july 5th and I've got 2km swimming, 55 km biking and 30 km walk/run done!
It took 1 1/2 hours to swim the 2 km....I thought I was going to drown. I've biked the 55 km in 3 different outside and 2 in the gym. I think this is just enough challenge this month to get me heading in the right direction in my quest for fitness and the marathon.
Happy summer everyone!

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

If it isn't measured...does it count?

Well, last week wasn't so good in the training department...and it was the first week too!
The hubby, Charlie and I head out for 3 day sail to Portland Island and I had brought my stuff to measure my walks, but of course didn't use them.
Portland Island is a Marine/Island Park here in the South Gulf Island off Vancouver Island. There is a great 10 km trail around the island that is rather technical (to use the term loosely) at times. We hiked one day of 4 km, then the second day we did the full 10 in 2 1/2 hours and then the third day we did another 4 km hike. For a total of 18 kms and with the measured 10 km I have posted that is 28 kms for the week.
I see that is in step with the prescribed distance we have set for this week. Then why do I feel like I didn't get my training in?
It used to be that if I didn't bring my watch and time all my runs it seemed to not count and now with the nike + system, it seems worse! I need to see the km posted on my sight to think they count as training. What did we do in the old days? Oh yeah...we headed out and did the same training and didn't think of times/ splits/ distances so much.
Maybe I've become too entrenched in the computer age of measuring distances, times, splits, averages and the sorts. looking back at the week....I did get my training'll just have to take my word for it!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

First day of Summer....

....and the first training workout for the Marathon in October. Not that I stuck to the 5 km walk today but went 10.5 with the dog on the TransCanada Trail. We had a grand time and Charlie is getting fitter and faster- not to mention he's mostly off leash now and doing quite well with that!
I knew I'd have trouble keeping to the low km's at the beginning but I do have an excuse this week....the Hubby and I are headed out sailing for a few days and I'm working until Wednesday training days are cut down! I've decided to try to get in 3 really good training walks instead of 4 so I'm upping the clicks for each one. I'm hoping next week we all can get together for a meet and walk and talk out our plans of attack over coffee...after the walk of course!
We are up to 6 people in the group and a possibility of 2 more joining...should be fun! But we have 16 weeks of training that we have to do, so let's get out there and enjoy the summer and have some FUN!

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Swimming is exercise too!

Well, half my walk today was at a slower pace than normal because I went out with my husband and dog. We went to the Quarry and did the 5 km loop in 1 hour...with swimming breaks for Charlie...still too cold for us humans to swim!
When we got home I switched to a high gear and headed out on my own for a much faster pace...6 km in 50 some sweat going! I decided to try out some hill training and some interval training. It's something I did when I trained for my 1/2 marathon and wanted to see how I feel walking the route. I built up some heat and was sweating quite well by the time I got home. I'm still amazed at the muscle use while walking.
This was the last free walk because Monday is the start of our Victoria Marathon training.'s here already! Our first week training is only 24.5 km and I'm wondering if I will stick to that amount since I'm currently averaging 40 kms a week. We'll see! I have a horrible guilt complex if I don't do a certain amout to km in a week.....
I'm excited because everyone is now registared for the marathon and gung-ho to get training! Let's go get them girls!
Oh, and we've nicknamed ourselves 'The DOA's"....that's right....the Dead On Arrivals!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Walking the Dog

I tried to head out the door this morning and go out and walk/run my 12 km route on the roads around my neighborhood, but Charlie had other ideas. He saw me put on my runners and for a 6 month old puppy he has a keen sense of what is going around him!
I had a quick change of plans and since 12 km is too far for him to go at this moment, I settled on a good up hill, then down hill hike on the local Cobble Hill Mountain. In the picture of Charlie at the top you can see some roads down at the bottom....those are the streets in my neighborhood.
Today was a quick walk and some running up the hill and a run down the hill...I had to look out for stumps, routes, other dogs, and people and Charlie....well, he barrelled down but was conciderate enough to slow down for me on the real steep parts.
We had a blast and even a quick stop at the dog park below for Charlie to blow off some leftover steam with the other dogs and a cool down walk home.
I'm going to love training with my dog and can hardly wait for him to be able to come out with me on all my run/walks. Now....I can hardly wait for him to be able to come with me off leash and come back when called consistantly....that will happen sometime...right?

Sunday, 12 June 2011

What counts and what doesn't?.....

I headed out with Charlie early this morning and met up with a friend, and her 2 dogs, to walk Elk/Beaver Lake in Victoria. I needed 11 kms this week to get my 40 km's in and so I took along my nike plus counter to clock the miles.
We got there and since it is a Sunday, the lake trail is a very busy place anyways with hikers, walkers, dogs, horses, and runners.....but today was also 'walk for diabetes' it was packed. Now last week Charlie and I walked the 10 km in 1hr and 30 mins with a couple of stops for sniffs....but today everyone wanted to pet the puppy, the dogs wanted to swim, and my friend and I talked the whole it took us 2 hours to do the same loop (albeit, we had more stops). So does this slower walk count as a training walk? I don't know!
Some purest would say have to get in the desired speed and distance, work up a sweat, and keep it to plan, but I'm saying YES! Yes it counts! Sure it wasn't as fast and I don't really feel like I pushed myself...but we were out there, getting exercise and socializing. Besides, Sundays are for long, slow runs/ or walks anyways.
I think I burned out my desire to run with this last 1/2 marathon because I was thinking like a purest instead of relaxing and enjoying my runs. I pushed and pushed to get the speed work in, the distance, and the desired times! I stuck to the training schedule no matter what! And where did that get me? I was sick for 2 weeks before the race and during the race...where's the enjoyment in that?
So....again....the walk counts! Sure the training schedule is set up for a reason and I will endeavor to follow it until my marathon, but I'm going to try to relax and enjoy the walks and stop every once in a while and let the dog sniff around and I'm going to enjoy the scenery too! We need more doggy walks in our life!

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Training to start the training schedule

Well, who said walking was easy. Yes we walk everyday and almost everywhere, and we've been walking since we were 2....but this power walking is hard.  I'm training with a bunch of other crazy girls for the Victoria marathon in October and we have the ambitious goal of completing the 42 km in 6 hours of less....yes I know a lofty goal that is!
I've run several 1/2 marathons in the past 5 years and felt that it was finally the time to jump to a full marathon, but since I run slowly anyways, I thought what about walking....and I mean power walking...the full this fall. So, I've recruited  some girls from work and I've put together a 16 week- 'I just want to finish'- schedule starting June 20th.
I've been clocking 40 km's a week power walking and I tell you that this is hard. It's almost harder than running the same distance....I believe walking uses way more muscles....including arms, core and back. My legs are tired after walking 12 kms. So, yeah, I'm training so I can start the training schedule!!
I've started taking my 6 month old golden retriever, Charlie, on some of my shorter walks. It's hard to get up a head of steam when everyone wants to stop and greet the puppy. Plus, I'm not stressing his joints quite yet, since he's still year he'll be running/walking on all my outings!
I ran the 1/2 marathon in May  in Vancouver and since then have had some great runs and some great walks....but I'm just a little burned out from all my running I'm keeping in shape and training with the John Staton of the Running Room has a great book out on walking and this looks like a great source of exercise and fun in the summer months.
Just to let you know the speeds I'm talking about....a 10 km route will take me 1hr 25 mins or 30 mins of walking or about 7 km/hour walking speed....I'm not talking about a leisurely stroll here people!